Assistance and Working K9  Evaluators

Openheart Public K9 Team Access Certification  Test

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PLEASE CIRCLE ONE:  SAR Dog     HRD Dog     Specialty Dog    Chemical Detection Dog     Article Dog

  • K9 Teams Check Level of Training    c Green      c Blue     c Yellow      c Purple   c Red    c Gold

Name of K9 and Handler: ________________________________ Handler/Team Leader/Individual are all interchangeable titles for the Person in charge of the K9.

Name of Tester: _____________________________________________

Date of Tester: _____________ Place of Test: _____________


  • Cert Test 
  • ReCert 2 yr Test (Openheart requires all teams to test every 2 years)
Purpose: The purpose of Openheart's Public K9 Team Access Test is to ensure that K9's who have public access are stable, well-behaved, and unobtrusive to the public. SAR Dogs, HRD Dogs, Chemical Detection Dogs, Specialty Dogs, and Assistance Dogs are all held to the same level of functionality.
This is to ensure that the K9 handler has control over the K-9 at all times and the team is not a public hazard.  We require that this test be strictly administered by an Openheart Certified Evaluator.  If any modifications are necessary, they must be noted and explained in the space provided at the end of the score sheet.
Immediate Dismissal: Any dog that displays any aggressive behavior (growling, biting, raising hackles, showing teeth, etc.) will be eliminated from the test and from any future certification.
a) Any dog that eliminates in a building (is eligible to re-test in a week) or b) shows uncontrollable behavior (is eligible to re-test in three (3) months)
Testing Equipment: All testing shall be done with equipment appropriate to the needs and abilities of the K9 team. All dogs shall be on-lead and caped at all times except in the vehicle at which time it is optional.
This test is designed to take place in a public setting such as a mall where there are a lot of people and natural distractions. The Team Leader will handle the dog and can use any pre-approved equipment necessary to ensure his/her control over the dog.
The evaluator will explain the test thoroughly before the actual testing, during which he/she will follow discreetly to observe when not directly interacting with the individual on a test related matter. The only things an evaluator will bring are a clip board, an assistant, another dog, a plate with food, and access to a shopping cart.
Commands: Hand Signals or Verbal Signals or both. Double commands are frowned upon and must be noted. The K9 needs to acknowledge and respond to One Command. Multiple (A Total of 3 Double Commands) will require re-testing.
  1. Unload K9 Team from Vehicle: After a suitable place has been found, the Team Leader will unload the dog and any necessary equipment (wheelchair, walker, crutches, etc.) out of the vehicle. The dog must wait in the vehicle until Commanded to Unload out of the vehicle. Once outside, it must wait quietly unless otherwise instructed by the Team Leader. The dog may not run around, be off lead, or ignore any commands given by the Team Leader. Once the team is out of the vehicle and settled, the assistant should walk past with another dog. they should walk within three (3) feet of the team. The Assistance Dog must remain calm and under control, not pulling or trying to get to the other dog.
    The emphasis on this is that the Assistance Dog remain unobtrusive and is unloaded in the safest manner possible for everyone.
  2. Approaching the building: After unloading, the team must maneuver through the parking lot in order to approach the building. The dog must stay in a relative heel position and may not forge ahead or lag behind. The dog must not display a fear of cars or traffic noises and must display a relaxed attitude. When the individual stops for any reason, the dog must stop also.
  3. Passing thru the doorways: Once at the doors of the building, the individual may enter the building however he/she chooses. Remember Safety First. Upon entering the building; the dog may not wander off or solicit attention from the public. The dog should wait quietly until the handler is fully inside then should calmly walk beside the individual. The dog must not pull or strain against the lead or try to push its way past the individual but must wait patiently while entry is completed.
  4. Heeling through the Facility or Mall: Once inside the building, the individual and the dog must walk through the area in a controlled manner. The dog should always be within touching distance where applicable or no greater than a foot away from the individual. The dog should not solicit public attention or strain against the lead (except in cases where the dog may be pulling the individual's wheelchair). The dog must readily adjust to speed changes, turn corners promptly, and travel through a crowded area without interacting with the public. In tight quarters, the dog must be able to get out of the way of obstacles and not destroy merchandise by knocking it over or by playing with it.
  5. On lead recall : A large, open area should be found for the six foot recall. Once found, the individual will perform a six foot recall with the dog remaining on lead. The individual will sit the dog, leave it, travel six feet, then turn and call the dog to him/her. The dog should respond promptly and not stop to solicit attention from the public or ignore the command. The dog should come close enough to the individual to be readily touched. To be an Openheart Working Dog, the dog must actually touch the person to indicate it is in position and ready to work. The recall should be smooth and deliberate without the dog trudging to the individual or taking any detours along the way.
  6. Sit on Command: The team will be asked to demonstrate the Individual's ability to have the dog sit three different times. The dog must respond promptly each time with no more than one commands. There should not be any extraordinary gestures on the part of the people approaching the dog. Normal, reasonable behavior on the part of the people is expected.
    a) The first sit will be next to a plate of food placed upon the ground. The dog must not attempt to eat or sniff the food. The individual may correct the dog verbally or physically away from the food, but then the dog must maintain a sit while ignoring the food. The dog should not be taunted or teased with the food. This situation should be made as realistic as possible.
    b) The second sit will be executed, and the assistant with a shopping cart will approach within three feet of the dog and continue on past. The dog should maintain the sit and not show any fear of the shopping cart. If the dog starts to move, the individual may correct the dog to maintain the sit.
    c) The last sit will be a sit with a stay as a person walks up behind the team, talks to the person and then pets the dog. The dog must hold position. The dog may not break the stay to solicit attention. The individual may repeat the stay command without any physical corrections.
  7. Down on Command: The down exercises will be performed in the same sequence as the sits with the same basic stipulations. a) The first down will be at a table where food will be dropped on the floor. The dog should not break the down to go for the food or sniff at the food. The individual may give one additional verbal command if needed to maintain the down. There should not be any extraordinary gestures on the part of the people approaching the dog. Normal, reasonable behavior from the people is expected.
    b) The second down will be executed, and then an adult and child should approach the dog. The dog should maintain the down and not solicit attention. If the child pets the dog, the dog must behave appropriately and not break the stay. The individual may give an verbal reminder if the dog begins to break the stay.
  8. Noise Distraction: The team will be heeling along and the tester will drop a clipboard to the ground behind the team. The dog may acknowledge the noise, but may not in any way show aggression or fear. A normal startle reaction Is fine--the dog may jump and or turn--but the dog should quickly recover and continue along on the heel. The dog should not become aggressive, begin shaking, etc.
  9. Urban SAR and Specialty: The team will be searching for a specific Target (Live, HRD, Chem. etc.) Several alternate Targets will be planted. Yellow Grade dogs and above must signal on alternates without any send command. (Green and Blue dogs are not expected to identify alternates).

Part II

  1. Restaurant/Food Court: The team and tester should enter a restaurant and be seated at a table. The dog should go under the table or, if size prevents that, stay close by the individual. The dog must sit or lie down and may move a bit for comfort during the meal, but should not be up and down a lot or need a lot of correction or reminding. This would be a good place to do the food drop during a down.
  2. Separation/New Handler  To show that the dog can be handled by another handler without aggression or stress or whining, a different handler will take the dog's leash and passively hold the dog (not giving any commands) while the dog's partner moves 20' away. (1 min)

    Then the handler should inform the K9 to remain and work with the new person while they go out of sight. (3 min) Simple heel, sit and down from the new handler is sufficient.

  3. Off Lead: Sometime during the test, where appropriate, the person will be instructed to drop the leash while moving so it is apparent to the dog. The individual must show the ability to maintain control of the dog and get the leash back in its appropriate position. this exercise will vary greatly depending on the person's disabilities. The main concern is that the dog be aware that the leash is dropped and that the person Is able to maintain control of the dog and get the leash back into proper position.

Part III

  1. Leaving the building: The team will leave the building in a similar manner to entering, with safety and control being of prime importance. The team will proceed across the parking lot and back to the vehicle. The dog must be in appropriate heel position and not display any fear of vehicle or traffic sounds.
  2. Load Up into Vehicle: The individual will load the dog into the vehicle, with either entering first. The dog must not wander around the parking lot but must wait patiently for instructions. Emphasis is on safety and control.

Scoring Factors of the Openheart K9 Team Public Access Certification Test

  1. A= Always
    M= Most of the time (75% of the time)
    S= Some of the time (50% or less of the time)
    N= Never
  2. Vehicle Unload Dog did not try to leave vehicle until given release command.
    • The dog waited in the vehicle until released. c Yes     c No
    • The dog waited outside the vehicle under control. c Yes     c No
    • The dog remained under control while another dog passed. c Yes     c No
  3. APPROACHING THE BUILDING Relative heel position, not straining or forging.
    • The dog stayed in relative heel position.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The dog was calm around traffic.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The dog stopped when the individual came to a halt.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
  4. Passing through a doorway
    • The dog waited quietly at the door until commanded to enter.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    The dog waited on the inside until able to return to heel position.
    c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
  5. Heeling throughout the mall or building
    • The dog was within the prescribed distance of the individual.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The dog ignored the public, remaining focused on the individual.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The dog readily adjusted to speed changes.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The dog readily worked on a loose lead while turning and changing directions.    c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The dog readily maneuvered through tight quarters.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
  6. On lead recall
    • The dog responded readily to the recall command
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The dog remained under control and focused on the Team Leader.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The dog came within the prescribed distance of the Team Leader.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The dog came directly to the Team Leader.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The dog responded promptly to the command to sit.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The dog remained under control around food
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The dog remained composed as the shopping cart passed and did not shy away, show signs of fear, etc. the shopping cart should be pushed normally.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The dog maintained a sit-stay while being petted by a stranger.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
  8. Down on Command
    • The dog responded promptly to the command to down
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never.
    • The dog remained under control during the down
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The dog remained in control while the child approached--child may be animated but not overly excited.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
  9. Noise Distractions. If the dog jumps, turns, or shows a quick startle type reaction, that is fine. The dog should not show fear, aggression, or continue to be affected by the noise.
    •  The dog remained composed during the noise distraction.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
  10. Urban SAR and Specialty:
  11. The dog alerts on Target .

  • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
  • The dog alerts on a) c _____ b) c  ______ c) c _______ alternate Targets
  • a) c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
  • b) c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
  • c) c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never

Part II


  • The dog is unobtrusive and non reactive toward patrons and employees.
  • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
  • The dog maintained proper behavior, ignoring food and being quiet.
  • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never

Off Lead

  • When told to drop the leash, the team maintained control and the handler got the leash back in position.

Separation/New Handler  To show that the dog can be handled by another handler without aggression or stress or whining, a different handler will take the dog's leash and passively hold the dog (not giving any commands) while the dog's partner moves 20' away. (1 min)

Then the handler should inform the K9 to remain and work with the new person while they go out of sight. (3 min) Simple heel, sit and down from the new handler is sufficient.

  • Another person can take the dog's leash and the dog's partner can move away without aggression or undue stress on the part of the dog.
  • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
  • Dog will respond to new handlers commands
  • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
  • Dog will work for new handler
  • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never

    Part III

  1. Leaving the building.
    • The dog stayed in relative heel position.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The dog was calm around traffic.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The dog stopped when the individual came to a halt.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
  2. Load Up into Vehicle
    • The dog waited until commanded to enter the vehicle.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The dog readily entered the vehicle upon command
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never.
  3. K9 Team Cohesiveness
    • When the dog did well, the person praised the dog.
    •  c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The dog is relaxed, confident, and friendly.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The K9 Handler kept the dog under control.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The K9 Team exhibited the positive and appropriate communications that are essential in creating and maintaining team cohesion.
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never
    • The Handler provides Leadership
    • c Always  c Most of the time c Sometimes   c Never


The team must score all 'Always' or' Most of the time' responses on the A-M-S-N parts of the test.

The team must score at least 80% "yes" answers on the "yes" "no" portion of the test

Were there any unique situations that made any portion of this test not applicable?


Date: ______________Signed by Evaluator ____________________________________

Certification Recommended  c Yes     c No