Please complete this form completely.

We need this information to process your request

Please answer truthfully. It will help us determine what level of training your dog has acheived..

Name (First, Last):
E-Mail Address: :Required
Dog's Name:
Legal Owners:
Purebred? Yes        No
Papers? Yes        No
Gender? Male        Female
Altered? Yes No
History: (How long have you owned your dog and where from)
Temperament: (With kids? Ages of kids he's been around? With Dogs? With Cats?)
Any aggression of any kind with anything? (growling, snapping, biting?)
Can you take food away and feed with other animals? Toys? Bones?
Accept strangers? Sensitive to touch? Dislike or afraid of anything?
Have you trained dogs before
Are there any Health Issues?
Are Vaccines up to date ? Vets Name?
Is your dog on Heartworm Prevention:
Bad Habits? (Dig? Chew? Bark? Escape yard? Ride well in car?
Afraid of thunderstorms? Separation anxiety? Other?)
Housebroken? (Kept inside or outside? Used to a crate?)
Formal Obedience Trained? What level and where



Openheart is an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organization and your donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.